Monday, September 1, 2008

Ramadhan Al-Mubarak

Hello's quite a long time that i had been disappear from my blogging....well i had been quite busy before the weekend doing my test , my project , my assigment bla...bla...bla...bla...and so on.... life as a student give me a headache ...argh....patient2x...think positive......hmm...this month is the Fasting month..... so as a Muslim I would like to wish to all Muslim out there hepi Ramadhan and may your soul is clean throughout this month of blessing from Allah s.w.t... Don't forget to Terawikh (tambah pahala sunat ckit ) and most importantly don't try to ponteng2x Puasa huhuhuh.... unless you had a gastrik or what so ever disease that need you to eat during the day if you don't eat you'll die... that excuse can be accepted if you want to ponteng puasa... =P k that all i want to write... back to my work....Gambatei....yosh...

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