Saturday, November 1, 2008

(^-^) Life as a Student (^-^) all of our assignment,mini project and bla...bla..bla had been done successfully through this week..Gosh.... it feel so release after all the hard work... finally it pay off....but this is not the end of a life as a student although we had gone through the first stage throughout this semester...the real War is coming on soon... the date is on 4/11/2008 which is the Final Exam arghhh....that is the real war as a student where we sit on and try to do our best in completed the final exam paper....19crdt....6 paper wuiyo.....most of the paper is a killer one....How can i get through this.....Hmm....we must thing positive and try to find a way...some used "ToYol" as their guidance....and some just do all the best that they can do and pray to God so that all the hard work will pay off....For me i remember what my father had told me...."Son's remember this, in this world all we need is D.U.I.T but do know what D.U.I.T really mean....then my father told me what is D.U.I.T really mean in our life....He say D is for "Doa" a muslim we must always pray to Allah s.w.t and always believe in Allah.. although we might seen that one of our frens never prays to Allah but still he can success through his life but that is the way how Allah want to test our "Keimanan"...Then my father say U is for "Usaha"... pray is for your soul then u must give all out in your strenght to achive your the real world that is how we do it, where people who had strong mind and hardwork he will be the leader in this world....then the letter I which is the "Ikhtiar" never give up....although we had fail once but that's not mean we fail all the time...we must find a way how to control ourlife and our strenght...then the last is the letter T where it stand for "Tawakkal"....after all that we been through we must go back to the all mighty that has the power to control in our life that is Allah s.wt....we'll never stop praying to Allah and wish that someday we can be success like anyone else.....I'm believe in myselft and i always pray to Allah...(kadang3x miss gak solat huhuh...=p) ok that all i want to say just trying to get motivated and share with all my frens...Hope that all of my frens will pray's for my succes and i'll always pray to all of u....Let the war begin......Yeah....Gambatei....Yopsenpai is on the mood...yeha3x....=) Ohh...i forget... here i had some picture and video on myteam robot.. hope u enjoy watching this.....

The Kure Team Engineer's

The ultimate Kure Robot

Fan's club Kure team

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